Pushkar Myths

Pushkar Myths

卡馬爾.斯瓦魯普Kamal SWAROOP
  • India
  • DCP
Asian Premiere G

Pushkar Myths


29 kilometres from Ajmer, in the heart of the Thar Desert is a lake city called Pushkar. To the Hindus of the world, it is second in holiness only to Mansarovar. During the full moon in the month of Kartik, the town and the nearby dunes become an enormous fairground. Filmmaker Kamal SWAROOP explores the ancient myths and politicking of Indian Gods as the heavens descend and the water in the lake turns holy.

Festivals & Awards
2017 Montreal World FF
2017 DOK Leipzig


場次地點 場次時間 場次備註 加入我的行程
新光一廳 2018/05/06 - 02:10 to 03:40 QA場 Login or Sign up
新光一廳 2018/05/08 - 04:30 to 06:10 QA場 Login or Sign up

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